Case Study:

Getting Bumped Up the

Search Engine Rankings

An emerging toy company wanted to offer a friendly, stress-free , and fun away for clients to make a toy purchase. To make this happen, they had to produce a child-friendly website that connects even adult customers with toys that ticklied the child within. However, they were struggling to get foundin the search engines amid the competition.


Improve Their Rankings

We audited their website and found that they were under performing in terms of their domain authority (DA) and keyword performance. In our estimation, there was substantial room for growth.

Boost Organic Traffic

For a relatively new company, their organic traffic was better than expected. Yet, we found that organic backlinks fell short to speed up the growth of their top pages. Therefore, we sought out to boost traffic to these pages and improve overall keyword performance.

Acquiring Backlinks from Authoritative Domains

Getting backlinks are easy when you’re buying them from low-authority domains. On the other hand, acquiring backlinks from high-authority domains is more challenging, but vital to enhancing website performance in the SERPs. For this, we targeted websites with domain authority not less than 30.

Our Solution

We implemented a link-building strategy to boost DA and spur traffic for the top website pages. Our SEO VA played a vital role in executing this strategy.

The Results

The VA was able to exceed the monthly link buy requirement by 347.5% and in only a few months, target metrics were met, even exceeded.

Our VA was able to acquire:


live permanent text links with an Approved Link Buy Conversion Rate of 83.72%


live permanent guest post links with an Approved Link Buy Conversion Rate of 100.00%


Live Blog Comments, Forum, as well as Q&A Links.

Cagayan de Oro City

Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, 9000

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